Saturday, August 4, 2012

Future Foray into Spin

I have been intrigued with spinning for years but have never actually been to a class. I have friends that regularly attend, even teach, spin classes and I've had every intention of going...

I have no idea what to expect. Except sweat. I'm actually quite scared of spinning. I'm scared it will be too hard and too loud. I'm scared of being too hot, too sweaty, and too exhausted. Also, I'm not a cyclist. I've been known to break down sobbing on long mountain bike rides with E.

These fears are mostly unfounded when I take into account the new me. The new me is a badass who has run a marathon, done P90X (sort of), works out regularly, sweats profusely in hot yoga...

... maybe my loud, sweaty hot yoga experiences will help prepare me.

A quick google search revealed this very interesting article related to spinning and weight loss. It basically says that "spin classes are among the worst fat loss tools around". How can this be true? Well the author says that with repeated spin classes, because you don't have to support your own weight, as in running, stair-stepping, etc., the body quickly adapts to the easiest way to complete the exercise - which results in your legs storing more fuel and building more muscle mass. I think the idea is correct, and related to why I stopped losing weight/building muscle with my half-assed runs. I do not think the author is correct if spinning is used in combo with other cardio activities (and if you really push yourself on the bike).

I was mostly drawn to spinning for its cardio/weight loss aspect. Further research is needed, but I must say I am very surprised by this initial finding.

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