Monday, July 23, 2012

Sunday Run

I'm currently planning on running only once per week. I know this isn't very much running for a "runner", but I want to be able to really enjoy that one run. I'm going to rekindle my love affair with being on the trail and covering ground. So Sunday is my running day, and I'm planning on an hour, or if things go well after that hour, until I feel like stopping.
Only once a week?!
 Yesterday was so gorgeous - warm and sunny - finally. I ran for an hour, just like I'd planned and I didn't have any negative thoughts, headaches, or desire to quit. When I felt like walking, which was at the half-way point, I walked for a good five minutes. I ran over 10 wooden bridges that spanned the creek, through redwoods and fern gullies.
Photo credit
The end of my beautiful run through Fern Canyon put me out at the beach where I laid in the sand for another hour overwhelmed at my bliss: warm sun, tired body, ocean waves crashing at my feet. The only thing that got me up was the thought of enchiladas for dinner. 
Photo Credit

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