Monday, August 16, 2010

8 miles!

I ran my long run on Saturday. After a long day at work I was totally bonked out, probably due to all the backpacking, rafting and driving of the week. I came straight home and napped for an hour, and then dragged my butt out of bed, ate a rice cake with peanut butter and got dressed. I picked up M. and her friend and their bikes and loaded them down with almonds, Cliff Shot electrolyte drink (in my stainless steel waterbottle - watch out front teeth!) and a banana.

We set out on the BRHR, and knowing my GPS wouldn't get a signal at all on such a foggy day I strapped it to one of the bikes just to keep track of the time. At mile 3 I started drinking a couple swigs and did so every mile after that. I made it up to 4.05 miles and turned around, totally stoked. I had to stop every time I needed a drink, and I also stopped many times to eat huge juicy ripe blackberries and thumbleberries right off the bush. I think it worked as a running snack and I never ended up needing or wanting the banana or the nuts.

My knee flared up twice during the run - vague pain in the back of the right side. I ignored it and it went away, only to reemerge Sunday morning as I got out of bed. It seriously hurt. I rubbed arnica all over it - twas really stiff. I skipped disc golf and instead took a long hot hot bath. Yeah.

Today was a short 2 miler and I decided to run up the hill from town to the house. Nice little jaunt. I ran it in 22:26. I get a wonderful amazing massage this afternoon, and am taking the rest of the day off.

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