My plan to go to hot yoga two times this week is foiled, as the studio was closed on Monday and Tuesday. I remembered the Wednesday a.m. class taught by a different teacher and decided to go. She led an almost identical series of poses but incorporated personal thoughts and opinions cleverly disguised as a "yogic lesson". Seriously? The class was fine though, and not as hot as normal.
I've been feeling really tired lately, perhaps because I'm not sleeping very long or very soundly. I bagged my Monday run upon returning from Boonville. Yesterday I knew a run wasn't in the cards because of torrential rain and severe wind. And today I chose yoga over a run and have no plans to run in the 40mph wind tonight after work.
I will run tomorrow, and get down at least five miles. I'm still feeling some pain in my hips (psoas) from pushing myself those extra two miles on Saturday. The pain was intense but I decided to try running through it. Probably not a good idea when it comes to that particular area of my body.
I spent a lot of time online today reading running/food blogs. Some reek of leftover teenage body angst channeled into an adult forum (eating disorders disguised as health discussions). In public, they can pretend they have nothing to hide (this is especially true when I see photos of thin women paired with in depth discussions of calorie counts). I'm not trying to judge, just observe.
One thing I do envy from these bloggers is their sense of community - they have running partners, running groups, and running friends. I am alone in all this, and it makes me want a running penpal!
We'll travel to Auburn this weekend, the self-proclaimed Endurance Capital of the World. Sounds like there are lots of good restaurants, some great running trails, an amazing running store and a few good vegetarian restaurants (oh yeah! and a hot yoga studio!). I hope to find time amongst the tournament to indulge in these things. Running in a new place (probably alone) highlights several safety issues that I'm unsure how to tackle.